The Bestie Pandemic

Focus Kore
2 min readSep 8, 2023

Hi, it’s me again.

I just woke up not too long ago for the third time this morning and after ready Slimzy Jackson’s medium post I decided maybe I should write about what’s been on my mind for a while now. The Bestie Pandemic.

I think there’s a special connection between the toilet seat and great ideas. Or is it just me?

When I build my house there’ll be pen and pads everywhere. I’ll probably get those waterproof type ones for the bathrooms.

Anyways, as I sit on this toilet seat, here’s a cumulation of my thoughts on The Bestie Pandemic.

Do you have a bestie?

Are they of the opposite sex?

Are you in a relationship?

Yes, yes and yes?

Okay, come let me something.

Once upon a time, when I was younger (secondary school), I used to think having a female bestie separate from your girlfriend wasn’t such a big deal. I had both and they weren’t fighting for my attention or even fighting themselves so there was no reason to sit back and think about this time-bomb of an ideology.

Plus, I was quite innocent at the time so my definition of having a bestie was different from what it currently is. We’ll get into that soon. Walk with me.

In my head it was basically just having a female friend and having a girlfriend. It was a boarding school so I had time for them because truly, what else could we have been doing?

Fast forward to a couple of years later “when my eye tear small" and I realised besties were an evolved version of friends with benefits. For some, it was like a friendship with relationship commitments and drama while for some others, hmmmm! let’s just move on.

So people would have girlfriends or boyfriends and still have female or male best friends and this was usually equivalent to having two relationships because the demand from both parties were the same. Sometimes the “besties" even had more demands than the romantic partner because “before he/she was, I was". Some people don’t even enter relationships anymore they just have besties up and down. No strings attached but cruising in relationship benefits here and there.

I know a couple of them. Lol.

If you begin to see them around your relationships redefine their places please because besties have proven themselves to become serious problems in the romantic sectors.

Here’s a “Bestie" definition in you’re still a bit confused “Charismatic individuals who hang around people, giving relationship vibes with no intent of being committed to one"

Does the shoe fit? You’re already wearing it.

Now that you have the back story, I’ll tell you what I think about besties on my next episode.


